You may remember that Mariana used to live with her husband and three children in a wooden shack hidden in a field. Eventually we found two spare rooms in a house that was very run down. Unfortunately, Ionut (Mariana’s husband) was arrested for non payment of taxes and imprisoned for three years. We have just heard that Ionut may be released early from prison due to an appeal that Ana sent to the President! Since he has been in prison Mariana’s brother, sister in law and their six children have moved into the house. This has made living conditions almost impossible and the owner is not very happy about the situation. Ana Doina is working to find a solution to this.
Sluser Family
Last year the Sluser family all lived in one room. In the summer they built an extra room and the kitchen with the help of HEAL Romania. In the past few months the family have been able to furnish the new rooms and electricity has been installed. HEAL Romania has also managed to apply for the back payment of child benefit that has not been paid to the family at all this year. Mrs Sluser will use this money to finish the house.
Circiumaru Family
In February we helped this family to buy construction materials to make their house more stable. One of the children should be starting kindergarten in September but there is no funding for is place. We are looking for sponsorship for him.
Popa Family
In October we met a boy called Laurentu. He lives with his alcoholic grandparents and six other members of the extended family in two rooms. It was his birthday during our visit and so we took him to a toy shop and to a soft play area. He told me that it was the best day he had ever had. Since our visit in October Ana Doina visits the family regularly and they receive food, clothing and footwear from HEAL Romania. Laurentu’s parents are in prison but Ana Doina takes him to visit them. We are currently assessing what we can do for Laurentu.
Mrs. Cucu Florentina
She lives with her boyfriend and their two children with her parents who are alcoholics. Her parents frequently kick them out of their house and they often end up living on the street. Her boyfriend also drinks very heavily. In May Mrs Cucu tried to kill her children and then take her own life. Ana Doina is trying to talk to the parents to take her and the children back without the boyfriend. She is also looking for a job for her.
The mayor of Popesti refuses to talk to us about a building so we have decided to apply for funding to buy a building in the same area. We have made some applications and are waiting to hear if we have been successful.
Fundraising Events
6th September - leanda successfully ran the Bristol Half Marathon in 2hours 30minutes
30th March 2010- Fashion show at Charlton Kings Baptist Church - more details to follow shortly